Including: Trifolium rechingeri

Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Subgen. LOTOIDES/Sect.

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Amoria physodes, Galearia physodes, Trifolium
fragiferum subsp. physodes, Xerosphaera physodes.

Meaning:- Trifolium (L) With three leaflets.
                  Physodes (Gr) Puffed out, inflated-looking.
General description:- Hairless, perennial.

1) 5-25 cm, procumbent or ascending, not rooting at the nodes.

1) Leaflets, 10-20(-25) mm, ovate or elliptical to obovate-orbicular.
2) Stipules, lanceolate, aristate.

1) Heads, 15-20 mm wide, globose or ovoid.
2) Peduncles, 10-80 mm.
3) Bracts, 0·5-1 mm, free, shorter than or equalling the pedicels.
4) Calyx, adaxial part of the calyx tube hairy, much inflated and reticulate-veined in 
   a) teeth, lanceolate, porrect, lower, subulate, straight, somewhat longer than the 
5) Corolla, 8-14 mm,white or pinkish.

Key features:-
1) Calyx-tube, in fruit pubescent and gibbous above, reticulate-veined in fruit.
2) Bracts, 0·5-1 mm, free.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, open woodland, gorges, rocky outcrops in
meadows. 0-1100(-1700) m.

Distribution:- Common in much of Greece, Rare on E. Aegean Islands.
Widespread in S Europe and SW. Asia. Fairly widespread on Crete.

Flowering time:- Late Mar to mid-June.  

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jage

Meaning:-  Rechingeri (L) Possibly for the Austrian botanist Karl Rechinger (1867-1952).

Resembling Trifolium physodes, but differing in the following characters:

1) Leaflets of the upper leaves broadly obovate, truncate.
2) Stems, petioles, stipules and bracts hairy.
3) Flowering heads, smaller.
4) Calyx tube, villous-lanate throughout.
5) Corolla, c. 7 mm.

Habitat:- Seasonally wet, often somewhat nitrified spots in dry open shrubby vegetation, fallow terraced fields and open woodland of Cupressus sempervirens & Pinus halepensis subsp. brutia, 0-1200 m.

Distribution:- Not recorded outside the Aegean area.

Flowering time:- April-May.

Photos, currently unavailabe