Common Names:- Small-flowered catchfly

Synonyms:- Corone gallica, Oncerum gallicum, Silene arvensis.

Meaning:- Silene (Gr) A name used by the Greek philosopher Theophrastus for
                  Gallica (L) From France, French.       
General description:- Very variable short to medium sticky-hairy annual.

1) 5-45 cm, erect, simple to much-branched, pubescent, viscid above or glabrous.

1) Opposite, simple, narrow, linear to lanceolate, only the lower ones petiolate, very

1) White or pink, often with red marks at the base of the petals, from 6-10mm,
    erect, joined together in unilateral racemes.
2) Corolla, with 5 free petals, indented or not.
3) Calyx, with 5 bulbous sepals, from 7-10 mm long, tightened at the top, with a
    protruding vein masking the base of the petals.
4) Stamens,10 including 5 a little shorter.
5) Styles, 3

1) Capsule, 6-9 mm; carpophore usually 1 mm or less.
2) Seeds, dark brown; faces deeply concave, covered in numerous small striated

Key features:-
1) Calyx 7-10 mm.
2) Carpophore less than 1 mm.
3) Seeds with excavate face and wide, flat or concave back.

Habitat:- Generally as a weed of fallow fields, olive groves, vineyards and
sometimes in coastal habitats or on rocky slopes with dry open shrubby vegetation.
0-600(-1100) m.

Distribution:- Widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean. Fairly
widespread on Crete, more common in the west.

Flowering time:- Mar-June.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton

Calyx:- A collective name for the sepals - the outer whorl of organs in most flowers.
Capsule:- Dry fruit that opens when ripe. splitting from the apex to the base into
separate segments known as valves.
Carpophore:- The fruit bearing stalk  A prolongation of the receptacle or floral axis
bearing the carpels or ovary.
Corolla:- Collective name for the petals.

Glabrous:- Without hairs, hairless.

Lanceolate:- Lance-shaped: more or less elliptical but broadest below the middle.
Linear:- Narrow and parallel-sided. Narrow, much longer than wide.

Petal:- The inner perianth segments when they clearly differ from the outer.
Petiolate:- Having a leaf stalk.
Pubescent:- Covered with fine short soft hairs, downy.

Raceme:- A spike-like inflorescence in which the individual flowers are stalked.

Sepal:- A member of the outer perianth whorl in most flowers. collectively making
up the calyx.
Stamen:- Pollen-producing reproductive organ, typically consisting of a stalk called
the filament and an anther.
Striate:- With parallel longitudinal grooves.

Style:- The stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.

Tubercle:- A small rounded projection or protuberance, wart-like projections.

Viscid:- Sticky.
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