Including:- subsp calycina, the leaf shape which is broadly elliptical and entire
being the only reasonably distinguishing feature from subsp. pomifera..

Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. HYMENOSPHACE

Common Names:- Mountain sage

Homotypic Synonyms:- None

Meaning:- Salvia (L) Healer, the old Latin name for sage with medicinal
                  Pomifera (L) (“bearing apples”) referring to the galls, which are a
common feature of branch ends.
                  Calycina (Gr) With a persistent or conspiuous calyx, calyx-like,

General description:- Shrub, much-branched, more or less grey or hoary

1) Up to 100 cm, with erect to ascending branches.

1) Simple, short-petiolate; blade oblong-lanceolate to broadly elliptic-ovate, greyish-
    green, densely canescent when young, somewhat rugose.

1) Large, in few-flowered verticillasters forming a terminal spike.
2) Floral leaves, exceeding the calyx, broadly ovate, caducous.
3) Bracts large, exceeding the calyx, falling early.
4) Calyx, broadly campanulate, enlarging in fruit ± reddish-purple.
5) Corolla, large (25-35 mm);
    a) upper lip. slightly falcate, pale violet-blue.
    b) lower lip broad, 3-lobed, whitish.

Key features:-
1) Leaves, simple, not lobed or pinnate.
2) Corolla, large (25-35 mm);
    a) upper lip, slightly falcate, pale violet-blue.
    b) lower lip, broad, 3-lobed, whitish.
3) Calyx, enlarged in fruit, with very broad lobes.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Rocky limestone slopes with open dry shrubby vegetation, gorges. 0-400
(-1300) m.

Distribution:- S Greece and Aegean Is. On Crete confined to the west of the

Flowering time:- Mainly Apr-May

Photos by:- Jane Rusbridge