Common Names:- Annual pearlwort

Synonyms:- Alsine apetala, Sagina inconspicua, Sagina procumbens var.
apetala, Sagina quaternella

Meaning:- Sagina (L) Fodder
                  Apetala (Gr) Without petals
General description:- Small, annual, usually branched from the base.

1) 2-6 cm, suberect, slender.

1) Cauline, linear-subulate, somewhat fleshy, long-mucronate to aristate, usually
    more or less ciliate towards the base.

1) Solitary, 4(-5)-merous on long, filiform, glandular-pubescent to subglabrous 
2) Sepals, 2-2.5 mm, nanowly ovate, acute to mucronate.
3) Petals minute, often falling early, rarely absent.

1) Capsule ovoid, equalling or slightly exceeding the sepals.
2) Seeds c. 0.3 mm, pyriform, minutely tuberculate.

Key features:-
1) Delicate, ± erect annuals
2) Cauline leaves long-mucronate to anistate.
3) Pedicels, usually glandular-pubescent.
4) Sepals acute to mucronate.

Habitat:- Bare, open ground, usually on sandy soil. 0-1100 m. occasionally to 1400
m. in dolines.

Distribution:- Widespread throughout the Mediterranean region C & W Europe and
SW Asia. Widespread on Crete.

Flowering time:- Mar-May, sometimes later.

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis and Dimokratia Vrentzou

Aristate:- With a bristle-like pointed axis.

Capsule:- Dry fruit that opens when ripe. splitting from the apex to the base into
separate segments known as valves.
Cauline:- Borne on the stem, of the stem.
Cilia:- Marginal hairs.
Ciliate:- Fringed with hairs - generally along the margin of a leaf, petal etc.

Filiform:- Thread-like; slender and parallel-sided.

Glandular pubescent:- Hairs tipped with small glands that secrete oil or some
other liquid.

Linear - subulate:- Narrow, parallel-sided to awl-shaped.

Merous:- Having a specified number of parts: e.g. "pentamerous" = 5-merous
Mucro:- A sharp terminal point.
Mucronate:- Of or having a mucro; ending abruptly in a sharp point.

Ovoid:- Egg-shaped

Pedicel:- The stalk of an individual flower.
Pyriform:- Shaped like a pear, Pear-shaped.

Sepal:- A member of the outer perianth whorl in most flowers. The sepals
collectively make up the calyx.
Subglabrous:- Almost without hairs.

Tuberculate:- With small, wart-like projections.
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