Incl. Ononis serrata

Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE/Sect. ONONIS

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:-  None

Meaning:- Ononis (Gr) A classical name used by the Greek physician
                  Spinosa (L) Spiny, with spines.
                  Diffusa (L) Loosely spreading, diffuse.
General description:- Procumbent or ascending annual.

1) 10-40 cm; glandular-hairy, viscid.

1) 3-foliolate, but the basal sometimes pinnate.
2) Leaflets, 10-20 mm, oblanceolate to suborbicular, denticulate, with usually 10-16
    more or less appressed teeth.

1) Very shortly-pedicellate, borne singly at each node in a dense terminal raceme,
    elongating considerably after anthesis.
2) Lowest bracts 3-foliolate, upper without leaflets.
3) Calyx, 7-8 mm; tube narrowly campanulate, whitish-green,
    a) teeth, lanceolate, acuminate, somewhat longer than the tube.
4) Corolla, 9-11 mm, pink, equalling or exceeding the calyx.

Fruit:- Legume:
1) Legume, 5-8 mm.
2) Seeds, 1-3, c. 2 mm, reddish-brown, tuberculate.

Key features:-
1) Calyx, shorter than the corolla.
    a) teeth, distinctly longer than the tube.
3) Middle cauline leaves, with leaflets 10-20 mm, denticulate, with usually 10-16
4) Legume, with 1-3 seeds.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Sandy beaches and dunes, occasionally in open shrubby vegetation,
open coniferous woodland and ruderal habitats some distance inland. 0-200 m.

Distribution:- Mediterranean region, mostly in the W & C parts, but extending to
Cyprus. Very rare on Crete currently known from only one location.

Flowering time:- Apr-June

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jagel

Very similar to Ononis deffusa, but differering in the following characters:
1) Leaflets, generally smaller and narrower, with fewer teeth.
2) Spike, narrow and rather lax.
3) Flowers, somewhat smaller.
4) Seeds, 2-5, c. 1.5 mm in diam.

Habitat:- Coastal sand and steppe-like habitats near the sea, 0-50 m.

Flowering time:- April-May.