Family and Genus:- See- LABIATAE/Sect. MENTHA

Common Names:- Watermint

Homotypic Synonyms:- Marrubium aquaticum, Mentha aquatica var.
nemorosa, Mentha hirsuta var. aquatica.

Meaning:- Mentha (Gr) A name used by Pliny for mint.
                  Aquatica (L) Living in water.
General description:- Rhizomatous, strongly aromatic perennial, often with

1) Erect, 30-80 cm tall, sparingly branched.

1) Blade, usually 2.5-5 cm, ovate, truncate at the base, shallowly serrate.
2) Floral leaves, much smaller than the cauline.

1) Inflorescence, of 2-3 congested verticillasters with inconspicuous bracts, forming
    a terminal head up to 2 cm diam, sometimes with 1-3 distant verticillasters
    below, in the axils of leaf-like bracts.
2) Calyx, 3-4 mm, tube narrowly campanulate, 10-ribbed.
    a) teeth, subulate or narrowly triangular.
3) Pedicels, hairy.
4) Corolla, c. 8 mm, pinkish-mauve.
5) Stamens, long-exserted.

1) Nutlets, pale brown.

Key features:-
1) Flowers, in a head, sometimes with one to three verticillasters below.
2) Leaves, usually ovate.
3) Leaves, and calyx-tube hairy.

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Habitat:- Reedswamps by lake margins, in mud along streams, ditches and
irrigation canals 0-800m.

Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. A widespread Euro-Siberian species,
naturalised elsewhere. Limited distribution on Crete.

Flowering time:- May-Sept.

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis