Family and Genus:- See- DIPSACACEAE

Common Names:- Tremastelma

Homotypic Synonyms:- Asterocephalus brachiatus, Callistemma brachiatum,
Scabiosa brachiata, Tremastelma brachiata.

Meaning:- Lomelosia. Meaning unknown.
                  Brachiata (L) Branched at about right-angles, widely branching.
General description:- A low to short, erect, hairy annual.

1) 10-40 cm tall, sparingly branched, patent-pubescent.

1) Oblanceolate, subentire or the lower sometimes lyrate.

1) Capitulum, with outer florets larger than the others (radiate).
2) Involucral bracts, 9-17 x 3-5 mm, lanceolate.
3) Corolla, 9-14 mm, 5-lobed, pink or mauve.
4) Involucel tube c. 5 mm, broadly campanulate, short-pubescent, with 8 large,
    oblong pits above.
5) Corona, 2-3 mm. somewhat incurved, with c. 30 veins not exceeding the margin.
6) Calyx, 8-10 mm, shortly stipitate, with 10 spreading, somewhat flattened,
    plumose setae much longer than the corona.
7) Phyllaries, somewhat shorter than the outer flowers.

1) Fruiting head, globe-like, papery and brown when ripe.
2) Achenes, with ten awns.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Open dry shrubby vegetation, olive groves, open woodland and open
grassy habitats. 0-1000 m. (occasionally to 1800 m.).

Distribution:- Balkans, Crete, Aegean Is. and the E. Mediterranean, including
Cyprus. Widespread and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- Apr-June.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton