Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE

Common Names:- Round pea

Homotypic Synonyms:- Lathyrus angulatus subsp. sphaericus, Orobus

Meaning:- Lathyrus (Gr) The ancient name for chickling pea.
                  Sphaericus (L) Globe-like.
General description:- Slender, suberect, subglabrous annual.

1) 15-40 cm tall, unwinged, usually branched from the base.

1) Leaflets, 1 pair, 20-60(-100) x 1-7 mm, linear to linear-lanceolate, tendrils
2) Stipules, 6-15 x 0·5-1 mm, linear, semi-sagittate.

1) Peduncles, 5-20 mm, aristate, articulated near the middle or apex.
2) Calyx-teeth, equal, as long as or slightly longer than the tube.
3) Corolla, 6-13(-16) mm, orange-red.

1) Legume, 30-70 x 4-7 mm, brown, glabrous, with prominent longitudinal veins.
2) Seeds, 8-15, smooth or rugulose. hilum 1/13-1/11 of the circumference.

Key features:-
1) Legume, 4-7 mm wide, with prominent longitudinal veins.
2) Seeds, 8-15; smooth or slightly rugose.
3) Peduncles, 5-20 mm; usually aristate.

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Habitat:- Seasonally damp places in meadows, orchards, open woodland and
margins of cultivated fields. 0-1300 m.

Distribution:- Fairly common throughout Greece, widespread in the Mediterranean
region. Limited distribution on Crete mainly in the four massif areas.

Flowering time:- Mar to early June.

Photos by:- Dr. Armin Jage