Family and Genus:- See- FUMARIACEAE                     

Common Names:- Ramping fumitory

Homotypic Synonyms:- Fumaria officinalis var. capreolata.

Meaning:- Fumaria (L) Smoke.
                  Capreolata (L) Sprawling between supports, twining, winding,

General description:- Short to tall spreading and scrambling an­nual.

1) 30-100(-200) cm.

1) Ultimate lobes narrowly obovate. pale or greyish green.

1) Racemes, 10-25-flowered, equalling peduncle.
2) Bracts, shorter than or equalling the strongly recurved fruiting pedicels.
3) Sepals, 4-6 x 2.5-4 mm, subentire to dentate, scarious and whitish.
4) Corolla, 11-13 mm, white, occasionally flushed red or pink after fertilization; tips
    of inner petals and wings of upper petal blotched dark purple.

1) 2-2.25 mm, globose or squarish, obtuse or truncate, ± smooth.

Key features:-
1) Peduncle, equalling the raceme.
2) Flowers, 11-14 mm.
3) Leaflets, more than 1.5 mm broad

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Habitat:- Coastal wasteground, hedges, olive groves, scrub at the bases of cliffs,
etc. 0-600 m.

Distribution:- One of the commonest fumitories in the Mediterranean region,
though fairly rare on Crete, mainly confined to the west.

Flowering time:- Late Mar to mid-May.

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis