Family and Genus:- See- CRUCIFERAE

Common Names:- None

Homotypic Synonyms:- Raphanus hispanicus, Sinapis hispanica.

Meaning:- Erucaria (L) Diminutive of Eruca, to belch.
                  Hispanica (L) From Spain, Spanish.

General description:- Annual or biennial. Hairless (glabrous) or slightly hairy at
the base.

1) 20-50 cm usually branched from the base, with long, spreading branches.

1) Lower, pinnatisect the lobes patent, linear-oblong, margins entire or dentate.

1) Racemes, ebracteate, much elongating in fruit.
2) Petals 10-15 mm. pale lilac.
3) Style 2-5 mm, filiform.

1) Siliqua, 10-20 x 1.5 mm, longitudinally veined, appressed to the axis;
    a) lower segment elongate, cylindrical, with 2-4 seeds.
    b) upper, compressed, ensiform, obtuse or truncate at the apex, with 1-3 seeds.

Key features:-
1) Siliqua not more than 2 cm, erect and closely appressed to the stem.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Gravelly slopes, open dry shrubby vegetation, cultivated and fallow fields,
generally over limestone. 0-500 m.

Distribution:- Restricted distribution across the Mediterranean. Restricted
distribution on Crete mainly around central and eastern coastal areas.

Flowering time:- Mar-May.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton