Family and Genus:- See- COMPOSITAE

Common Names:- Cardo

Homotypic Synonyms:- Dipsacus fullonum subsp. sylvestris.

Meaning:- Dipsacus (Gr) Dropsy, a name used by the Greek physician and
botanist Dioscorides in an analogy of the water-collecting leaf bases.
                  Fullonum (L) Of cloth fullers, (used to tease a nap on woven woollen
cloth, known as fulling).

General description:- Stout, biennial herbs, with prickly stems more or less
branched above.

1) 50-200 cm, stout, erect, prickly on the angles.

1) Basal, in a rosette, oblong-elliptical or oblanceolate, entire.
2) Cauline, margins, crenate-serrate to entire.

1) Capitula, ovoid-cylindrical.
2) Involucral bracts, curved upwards, linear, unequal, the longest equalling or
    exceeding the florets.
3) Receptacular scales, spinose-ciliate, with a rigid, recurved apical spine, equalling
    the florets.
4) Corolla pinkish-purple.

1) Achenes, 3-4 mm, light brown, sulcate.

Key features:-
1) Capitula ovoid-cylindrical.
2) Involucral bracts, linear, curved upwards.
3) Cauline leaves, crenate-serrate to entire.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Along roads, Woods, stream-sides, ditches and various damp places 0-
800 m.

Distribution:- Much of Europe and SW. Asia. Native distribution uncertain.
Previously unrecorded from Crete. Discovered by Marinos Gogolos on the Lassithi
Plateau in 2017. A further collony was found by Christopher Cheiladakis in 2021
near Floriia

Flowering time:- June-Sept.

Photos by:- Steve Lenton