Common Names:- None

Synonyms:- Campanula erucifolia

Meaning:- Campanula (L) Bell-like.
                  Laciniata (L) Jagged, fringed, slashed, with many flaps. Reference to
the leaves.

General description:- Pubescent, greenish perennial, with a very thick, wrinkled 
(rugose) stock.

   a) 20-60 cm.
   b) erect, simple or somewhat branched.

1) Basal:
   a) c. 30 cm.
   b) ovate, margins laciniate and toothed (dentate).
2) Cauline:
   a) ovate, slightly laciniate or dentate.
   b) stalkless or almost so. (sessile or subsessile).

1) Inflorescence:
   a) many-flowered.
2) Calyx-teeth:
   a) triangular, acute; appendages ovate, rounded, deflexed, as long as the ovary.
3) Corolla:
   a) 40-50 mm wide.
   b) 3 times as long as the calyx-lobes, broadly bell-shaped velvety (velutinous).
   c) sky-blue often with a whitish centre.
   d) lobes, broadly ovate, acute, between spreading and erect (erecto-patent).

1) Capsule:
   a) 5-celled (5-locular).
   b) splitting open to release the seeds (dehiscing) by basal valves or pores.

Key features:-
1) Capsule dehiscing by basal valves or pores, rarely indehiscent.
2) Stigmas 5.
3) Stems erect or ascending.
4) Basal leaves c. 30 cm, laciniata.
5) Ovary 5-locular.

Habitat:- Crevices of vertical cliffs,often in gorges, occasionally among boulders at
the base of cliffs 0-700 m.

Distribution:- Endemic to the Aegean area, but rare throughout. Limited
occurrence on Crete.

Flowering time:- Apr-June

Photos by:- Fotis Samaritakis and Enda McMullen

Conservation status (for threatened species): Rare (R) according to IUCN 1997
Protection status (for threatened species): Greek Presidential Decree 67/1981