Echinate:- Densely covered with rigid hairs or small prickles.
Eglandular:- Without Glands.
Eglandular-pubescent:- Covered with fine short soft glandless hairs.
Elliptic:- Forming an ellipse, widest in the middle and pointed at both ends.
Echinate:- With small projections tapering from a broad base to a sharpe
apex; densely covered with rigid hairs or small prickles.
Elaiosome:- Fleshy structure rich in lipids attached to the seeds of many
plant species, usually to attract ants that disperse the seeds.
Emarginated:- Distinctly notched at the apex.
Embryo:- A tiny plant that has a root, a stem, and one or more leaves.
Endemic:- Confined to one country, island or area.
Endocarp:- Innermost layer of the pericarp. which surrounds a seed in a fruit.
It may be membranous or woody.
Endosperm:- The albumen of a seed, particularly that deposited within the
embryo sac.
Endospermic or endospermous seed:- A seed in which the nutritive tissue
is absorbed more slowly into the developing embryo so that part of it remains
at least until germination.
Ensiform:- Sword-shaped; long and narrow, ending in a sharp point,
Entire:- See Untoothed.
Epicalyx:- A calyx outside the true calyx - the calyx thus appears to be
composed of two whorls.
Epigeal:- Above ground. (of germination).
Epigynous:- When the sepals, petals and stamens are apparently inserted
higher than the ovary. (of flowers) 
Epipetalous:- United with the petals, often appearing as if implanted on the
petals (usually referring to stamens).
Erecto-patent:- Between spreading and erect.
Erose:- Irregularly toothed, eroded, appearing as if nibbled.
Estrophiolate:- Without a caruncle or strophile without an outgrowth of the
outer seed covering.
Excurrent:- Running through to the apex and beyond.
Exocarp:- Outer layer of the pericarp of a fruit.
Exserted:- Protruding beyond the surrounding parts.
Exstipulate:- Having no stipules.
Extrorse:- With the anthers facing and opening outwards, away from the
centre of the flower.